Bringing in over SGD350,000 revenue within 3 months

Published at 2022-01-19 by The Hacker Collective

  • entrepreneurship

  • self-taught

  • Watch the full interview here :

    In this episode of Stories of Hackers, we talked with Daniel Wong, an interesting lawyer turned entrepreneur. He'll be sharing with us on his entrepreneurial journey while sharing some tips on closing small-high ticket deals! We hope you guys can learn some new insights from Daniel’s story and his experience, enjoy!

    Hey Daniel, great to have you with us, can you give us a short introduction to our community?

    Yes absolutely, hey guys my name is Daniel and  I'm Singaporean,  come from a middle-class family. Growing up, I was the guy that wanted to be a professional guitarist when I was 16 years old and doing my O-level. The problem is, everyone around me isn't supportive of this idea as a guitarist as according to them, “Music cannot make money”. Later on, my dad sent me to Australia for an arts foundation but it didn't really go too well, i then came back to Singapore and did my 3 years of army and went on to pursue legal education.

    So why did I choose law? It started because of a fight for justice during my time in the army and  I thought if I was legally trained, I could do a better job.  I went to the UK to pursue law but coming back I realized that it's not really something that I'm really passionate about, I mean money was good but at the end of the day, I believe that passion is more important than money.

    I wanted more out of life and that’s why i started my journey in sales, at first I started selling electricity, literally going door-to-door but after a while I was scouted by headhunter and joined the insurance,in three months after getting my license that's when I brought in the 350K worth of sales. 

    You didn't really have much experience in terms of insurance or finance or even sales right? So how do you actually make the plunge to go into this, is there anyone mentoring you?

    Okay so they are mentors in the insurance companies but there’s a difference between mentors and just coaches.The main mindset is that we must understand and appreciate that anything and everything that we do is sales-related and we are all inherently salespeople. The problem is that when I was in law, studying law and after going to work in a law firm, they taught you to be a cog in the system, how many of you can relate today right?

    I had to go and learn myself going out there how to sell and just dive in and really get my feet wet ,so did I have a mentor, no, I had a coach which essentially was my upline that taught me the basic sales techniques. The thing is, even as bad as I was when i started, I can still some results, so it's really about just  taking the action of going out there, to put yourself out there and just figuring out what's your value, tell them why you're doing it and then share them how are you different which is what I'm gonna cover the more details later as well.

    Daniel, do you want to share with us about your new business launch right now where you help the business owners from zero to first sale in four weeks, mind to share more about that?

    Fantastic question, as someone from a law background and going to insurance. I went to seminars after seminars and the thing is that after going through all the ups and downs, I realized that there's a commonality in what they say and basically I took then I extracted that and created something I can call my own. I spent tens of thousands of u.s. dollars on this education and I'll tell you some of it works but some of it is a complete scam and that is what motivated me to actually come with something that I can really help business launch. In 30 days time, which is more than enough time for you. We will coach you and guide you through our principles. 

    Based on your experience so far,why do most people have problems losing their businesses or even you know just getting a first paying client?

    The one thing that really holds people back from taking action from really launching their ideas is really that self limiting belief, they keep looking at the next thing, instead of looking at things that they have. They don't believe that what they have is already perfect, it's always this kind of self limiting belief that keeps them from taking the first step forward.

    Can you share a bit about what your typical days look like? Maybe when you're in a law firm and then you when you were doing sales and then now you’re doing your own business?

    For the law firm, I mean nothing to say about it, it's really just you clocking it in at 9:00 a.m. and then clocking out at 9:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m. on an average day. It was more like a badge of honor where maybe someone staying to work until 4a.m. in the morning, which is not supposed to be a good thing, then in the insurance is more like because everyone is so fired up to achieve a certain result, people tend to work longer hours to achieve the goals. Now as a business person, my typical days will be on doing three to four calls whether it's a coaching call , or can be prospecting or maybe just bouncing off ideas with others. In the middle of the preparation, it would be getting the ancillary stuff out, things like getting my facebook ads and testing it.

    Any advice you would give to someone who is currently in their twenties, maybe still going through uni, is there anything you want to say to them?

    You need to know why you are doing what you're doing. I know a lot of people go to uni for the sake of getting a job. You need to know why you are there, essentially you're in University right?

    Now, I'm not asking to get out of university and I come out and learn. No,  you are given the opportunity and time to network, to do your research, to hone your skills, to develop the relationships, to learn how to think, and present yourself. Use your time in university with just that and put your focus on that, instead of thinking about what is the job there you're gonna get, you are just causing yourself unnecessary burden.

    Thanks for the awesome interview !

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